Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sun is in the sky oh why, oh why would I want to be anywhere else?

Even when the sun is not shining, this is pretty much how I feel here (besides the fact that I miss all of you a great deal and would love to be with you). I especially feel this way on days off (Sundays and Mondays) and after 5 o'clock, when I am done with work, on all other days. Work is ok, I don't mind it, but let's be honest here: I did not come to this park for the housekeeping job. I am thankful for the job and the people I have made friends with at work, but that's just a small part of all the awesome.

Today was Sunday, my favorite day of the week. This was our last week of no services at Grant, because tomorrow the campgrounds and ampitheater here finally open up for the season, so we can finally start our services (3 weeks late). So for the 3rd Sunday in a row I went up to Lake Village to help out with the services at Bridge Bay and I spent the day hanging out with other ACMNP friends there. They are all awesome friends, and I have been very blessed in my time ministering and fellowshiping with them. I will miss helping with their services, but mostly I am really excited to get ours underway here at grant. Anyways, today after services we went fishing at Gull Point, but I am dumb and lost my fishing license, so despite our desperate efforts to get it replaced (asking at 3 different places and experiencing clueless employees at each one) I succumbed to the fact that I would just have to watch everyone else fish. But no worries, I found things to do on the beach including: making a sand castle, cat-napping in the sun, playing on logs, exploring down the beach, and peeing in hidden forested place. Needless to say, I had quite the wonderful day.

Tomorrow I am going with the ministry people to the Snake River down by the Tetons to whitewater raft. I am pretty excited because I have never done this before, even though I know that it will be cold. That will surely be an adventure and I will keep you updated.

P.S. I have some pictures on my facebook page if you are interested.

1 comment:

  1. Lily Allen! And peeing in forested places...sounds like you are thriving like a flower in dirt.

    Love love love.
