Saturday, June 12, 2010


I have officilaly finished my first week of work here. On my official first day of work (meaning when I was finally working independently without shadowing someone), my Team Leader (aka TL or supervisor) for the day approached me and told me that my rooms were perfect and that I had to go talk to the manager after work because I "needed" to apply forone of the3 open TL positions. I thought to myself, "excuse me, are you aware that this is my first day of work?" TL interviews had been going on for the past 2 weeks before I arrived (and there are plenty of other good, hardworking housekeepers that have been here since the beginning of the season in May), and he was telling me to go apply for this position? I was flattered and quite surprised, but I decided to apply. The interview went well enough.

On my second day of work I learned that I got the job as "Relief TL", meaning I am a substitute TL for resident TLs on their days off. This means that I will get a raise, more responsibility, and management experience for resume. This is a blessing. I am excited, but I hope that I will be able to do the job effectively, because it will be a bit more demanding than cleaning toilets and making beds.

On my third day of work (today) I was assigned a trainee (remember this is within the same week that I finished my own training), thus receiving a higher hourly pay for the day. Apparently I am good at cleaning up other people's hair, poop, pee, garbage, and trash. But I feel it is necessary to mention that all this week the verse that has been in my head (especially before I got the promotion) is Colossians: 3:23 - Whatever you do do heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. SO put that in your cake and eat it.

Although my work life has been rather eventful, thankfully my life here consists are far more adventure and excitement such as meeting new people on a daily basis, going on fishing trips (which is bittersweet because I dont have my fishing pole with me), hiking, and just hanging out. Earlier this week I went on a sunset hike to Storm Point, by the North of Lake Yellowstone. The view from the rocks overlooking the lake was real purdy. I would put pictures up, but the internet connection here is slow as molasses, so maybe I will give it a whirl someday when I am feeling patient and bored.

Tomorrow is Sunday which means I will be going up to North Lake again for their ACMNP church services, because we cannot start our services here at Grant until the end of this month, due to Grizzlies that are feeding on berries in the campgrounds here. Speaking of grizzlies, I saw my first one the other day. It was running across the road. It was quite chubby and jiggly. That same night I got caught in a traffic jam caused by bison, which is a common occurrence in these parts.

I will try to keep this updated more often, but until then, toodles.


  1. of COURSE you got a promotion on your first day! i've seen your downstairs bathroom, it's spotless! hahaha... anyway, i'm so happy for you..sounds like you are definitely where you are meant to be this summer :)

    PS. uhhh. pictures please? not all of us get to see chubby jiggly grizzlies at our day jobs!

  2. Next time you see one of those chubby jiggly bears you should run up and give it a hug, after you smear honey all over your face. I hear they like that.

  3. This is your mother speaking, "Don't listen to that Jason character!!!" And remember, grizzlies do not respect black belts - I think they are color blind!
