Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Climb every mountain

Right about now my body sort of hates me, but my soul is happy. I cannot remember the last time that I was this physically tired. Yesterday I hiked Mt. Holmes with 20 other people from the ministry. It is a 19-20? mile hike that goes about 8 miles of slight incline (mostly flat) across some meadows along a creek, and then climbs up the peak to a height of over 10,000 ft for 2 miles-ish. Then you hike the whole thing back out. Although this was my longest, most strenuous hike so far, it was not my favorite. Last Monday I hiked Avalanche Peak, which is just a 4 mile hike (2 up, 2 down). It was a toughie, but the best one yet. I felt like I was in an Ice Mountain Spring water commercial. And after we reached the tip, we slid down in plastic bags on the steep snowy slopes. These are the experiences that make cleaning hotel rooms for 40 hours a week worthwhile.

This past Sunday I preached for our services for the first time. I think it went pretty well, and I was encouraged to hear positive feedback from our support-staff and other visitors that attended the services.

Also some fun facts you might enjoy learning: In the past two weeks I have peed behind/under a waterfall AND on top of 2 different mountains at over 10,000 ft elevation. Loons are my new favorite bird. Wind can be very very very strong and just because it is July does not mean that I cannot go sledding.

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE loons! so beautiful! they've been my favorite bird for a while too. i mean... they're called loons :)
